Chin Reduction Surgery Turkey

Chin reduction surgery in Turkey involves high comfort and safe surgery. The advantages provided by medical tourism ensure comfort for patients. Hop Health chin reduction surgery packages form the basis of trust. 

What is Chin Reduction Surgery?

Chin reduction surgery is an aesthetic procedure performed to balance the size and width of the chin. The surgical operation to reduce the size of the chin is also called mentoplasty. Chin reduction surgery is often preferred by people with a large jaw structure and protruding chin. 

What is Chin Reduction Surgery?

Chin reduction surgery is an aesthetic procedure performed to balance the size and width of the chin. The surgical operation to reduce the size of the chin is also called mentoplasty. Chin reduction surgery is often preferred by people with a large jaw structure and protruding chin. 


Who is a Candidate for Chin Reduction Surgery?

People who are 18 years of age or older, who find their chin structure large, who do not smoke, and who are physically healthy are suitable candidates for chin reduction surgery. Chin reduction surgery is preferred to ensure the harmony of the chin with the general facial symmetry.

How to Perform Chin Reduction Surgery?

During jaw reduction surgery, the patient is given general anesthesia. Access to the jawbone is provided by making an incision under the chin and inside the mouth. The jawbone is contoured with surgical instruments. After obtaining a jaw line proportional to the face, the incisions are closed.


How Long Does Chin Reduction Surgery Take?

Chin reduction surgery is an operation that takes 1 to 3 hours. The duration of the surgery varies according to the need of the jaw line, additional procedures and the surgeon's expertise. However, on average, all procedures are completed in 2 hours.


What are the Benefits of Chin Reduction Surgery?

Chin reduction surgery provides a proportional face by improving the jaw line. Chin reduction performed individually is an aesthetic that meets expectations. In general, the advantages of chin reduction are as follows:

  • Symmetrical face line
  • Enhanced self-image
  • Reconstruction after trauma
  • Minimum track 
  • Affordable costs


Chin Reduction Surgery Painful?

Chin reduction surgery is not an excessively painful procedure. The general anesthesia given during the procedure allows people to become numb and not feel any pain during the surgery. After chin reduction surgery, mild soreness at the surgical site can be expected. Pain medications can control the discomfort. 


What are the Risks of Chin Reduction Surgery?

Chin reduction surgery involves risks of anesthesia and causes edema as a side effect. If the necessary tests are not performed before chin reduction surgery, unexpected risks may occur at the end of the procedure. For this reason, examinations before and after chin reduction should be performed completely. In general, the risks of chin reduction surgery are as follows:

  • Bleeding
  • Blood clotting
  • Tenderness and numbness around the jaw
  • Scarring
  • Allergic reaction
  • Pain
  • Swelling and bruising


What Happens Before Chin Reduction Surgery?

In order to avoid complications during the operation, blood thinning anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin and herbal teas should not be consumed before chin reduction surgery.

Before the chin reduction surgery, people's health for the operation is checked with routine blood tests and physical examination. Jaw X-rays are taken to examine the jaw structure. While all the details about the operation are given before the operation, it is important that people share their expectations and concerns with the surgeon.

Smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped for at least 3 weeks before jaw reduction surgery. Smoking can damage blood flow and cause complications during the operation.

Since chin reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia, it is necessary to starve for a certain number of hours before the operation. Patients are informed about the meal program by specialist health teams.


What Happens After Chin Reduction Surgery?

After chin reduction surgery, the patient rests in the hospital for 1 night. In this way, complications that may arise with the effect of anesthesia are taken under control. The patient is discharged after postoperative controls.

After the chin reduction surgery, the skin is wrapped with bandages and bandages to support aesthetics and reduce swelling for a few days. The compression garment is removed by the surgeon at the control appointment.

Edema, swelling and pain are experienced as side effects after chin reduction surgery. Painkillers and cold compresses help to relieve swelling and bruising. It is recommended to eat light foods, soft and liquid diet during the recovery period.


What is Recovery Like After Chin Reduction Surgery?

People go through similar processes during the recovery period of chin reduction surgery. Recovery is usually divided gradually, week by week. After chin reduction, 2 weeks is the period when pain and edema are severe. In this period, it is necessary to fully comply with postoperative care and rest the body. As of the 4th week, people do not have difficulty in their movements in daily life, but heavy sports should not be done. Long-term recovery after jaw reduction lasts up to 6 months and final results appear as of the 6th month. 


Is Chin Reduction in Turkey Safe?

Chin reduction surgery in Turkey is safe. Specialized surgeons in Turkey undergo extensive training before performing chin reduction surgery. Qualified surgeons prioritize the patient's experience, and the centers' chin reduction services make the surgery process easier for patients. 


Chin Reduction Surgery Cost

The costs of chin reduction surgery vary depending on the country in which the procedure is performed. On average, chin reduction prices are between 1500 dollars and 10000 dollars. Turkey offers affordable costs in chin reduction costs. 


Chin Reduction Surgery Cost Turkey

Chin reduction surgery costs in Turkey are in the range of 2000 - 4000 dollars. Chin reduction surgery prices in Turkey are determined according to the package services and the quality of the surgeon. Apart from these, additional services, hospital quality also affect chin reduction costs in Turkey. For this reason, you can contact us to learn the chin reduction surgery prices in Turkey within the scope of the package prepared specifically for you. 


Chin Reduction Surgery in Turkey with Hop Health

Hop Health offers a comprehensive service for users who want to have a chin reduction surgery in Turkey. It maintains agreements with surgeons and quality clinics specializing in chin reduction surgery. You can contact us to get information about the chin reduction surgery packages suitable for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can view frequently asked questions about Chin Reduction Surgery Turkey.

Chin reduction surgery is often combined with facelift aesthetics. Apart from this, lip aesthetics, rhinoplasty and neck lift are also performed together with chin reduction.

The main difference between chin reduction and chin augmentation surgeries is in the direction of changing the size and shape of the chin. Both operations aim to aestheticize the jawline; however, while bone removal or reshaping is performed in chin reduction surgery, the size and projection of the chin is increased by using implants in chin augmentation surgery.

People with a large, protruding or unbalanced jawline have chin reduction surgery.

During chin reduction, patients sleep under general anesthesia. The bones in the chin are removed or torpulized.The surgery is terminated after the chin structure compatible with the face is obtained.

The recovery period after chin augmentation surgery takes 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, the uncomfortable effects of the surgery are most noticeable. Swelling, pain and edema gradually heal within 4 weeks after chin augmentation.

Complications of chin reduction surgery include difficulty swallowing, scarring, nerve damage and infection risks.

Since the incisions are made over the natural folds of the skin during chin reduction surgery, there is no visible scarring. Some of the incisions are made inside the mouth, the scar remains hidden and the tissues regenerate themselves during the healing period.

The final results after chin reduction surgery become evident 6 months after the operation. When all the edema and bruises on the skin heal, the new appearance of the jawline is revealed.

Chin reduction surgery has a price of 2000 - 4000 dollars.