Ear Diseases and Disorders

Ear diseases in Turkey are performed by doctors who have proven their expertise with their training and experience. Hop Health stands by its clients who want to have ear diseases treatment in the whole process.

Ear Diseases

The ear is a sensory organ consisting of three regions: inner, middle and outer ear. Ear diseases refer to functional disorders that occur in the ear structure. Today, there are many disorders within the scope of ear diseases. Common ear diseases include acoustic neuroma, tinnitus, deafness, ear pain, ear infection, ear wax, hearing loss, labyrinthitis, meniere's disease, otitis media (middle ear infection), otosclerosis, vertigo and tinnitus.


In addition to hearing, the sense organ ear plays a role in body balance. Therefore, all disorders in the ear, from simple to complex, have a direct impact on body health. In any case that occurs in the ear structure, a specialist doctor should be consulted.

Ear Diseases

The ear is a sensory organ consisting of three regions: inner, middle and outer ear. Ear diseases refer to functional disorders that occur in the ear structure. Today, there are many disorders within the scope of ear diseases. Common ear diseases include acoustic neuroma, tinnitus, deafness, ear pain, ear infection, ear wax, hearing loss, labyrinthitis, meniere's disease, otitis media (middle ear infection), otosclerosis, vertigo and tinnitus.


In addition to hearing, the sense organ ear plays a role in body balance. Therefore, all disorders in the ear, from simple to complex, have a direct impact on body health. In any case that occurs in the ear structure, a specialist doctor should be consulted.


What are the Causes of Ear Diseases?


The causes of ear diseases mainly depend on the genetic make-up and living conditions of the individual. External or genetic factors affect hearing and balance, leading to possible disorders. The causes of general ear diseases can be listed as follows: 


  • Fluid accumulation in the ear,
  • Infection
  • Allergy
  • Seasonal causes,
  • Excessive noise,
  • Trauma,
  • Aging and
  • Lack of attention to ear hygiene is among the factors that predispose to ear diseases.


What are the Symptoms of Ear Diseases?


The symptoms of ear diseases vary depending on the severity and type of the condition. However, the first symptoms of ear diseases are pain, ringing and earwax. It is important for people to see a surgeon after the first symptoms in order to prevent possible major problems. The symptoms of ear diseases are as follows:


  • Tinnitus,
  • Congestion and itching,
  • Feeling of pressure inside the ear,
  • Hearing problems,
  • Earwax,
  • Disturbance of body balance,
  • Dizziness,
  • Discharge of fluid from the ear,
  • Pain and soreness are common symptoms of ear diseases.


Diagnostic Methods for Ear Diseases


Diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases are becoming easier every day thanks to technological innovations in the medical field. Simple and seemingly minor ear diseases can lead to bigger problems that cause permanent and debilitating effects on the body when left untreated. For this reason, it is recommended that people with ear diseases consult a specialist as soon as possible.


During the preliminary examination, first listen to the complaints of the patient with ear discomfort. After the complaints and symptoms in the ear are detected, the patient undergoes routine health ear checks, clinical and laboratory tests. Within the scope of the results, the main cause of the disorders is diagnosed by the specialist doctor and necessary steps are taken for treatment.


Ear Disease Tests


Different methods are applied for the diagnosis of ear diseases. The tests frequently used in the diagnosis of ear diseases are as follows: 


Hearing Tests: Hearing test; It is performed to determine the degree of hearing loss. In line with the data of the test, people's ability to hear sound is evaluated and the scope of treatment is determined. 


Balance Disorder Test: In the balance disorder test, eye movements, foot balance and reactions to sound are examined. The cause and degree of dizziness are determined by the balance disorder test. 


Imaging: The structure inside the ear is examined in detail with CT and MRI imaging.


Endoscopy: Endoscopy is a technique that provides access to the inside of the ear. A detailed diagnosis is provided by accessing the ear with a camera to look closely at the ear tissue.


Ear Disease Treatment


Ear diseases include many disorders of varying severity. Depending on the severity of the condition, treatment may include dietary adjustments, medication, minor operations or surgery. In advanced ear diseases, the methods used include stapedectomy surgery, ear tube application, tympanoplasty and myringoplasty surgery.


Treatment of Ear Diseases and Disorders with Hop Health


Hop Health provides convenience to people who want expert solutions for ear diseases and disorders. Hop Health, which continues its cooperation with specialist ear diseases doctors, makes the treatment processes of its clients quality. If you also have ear discomfort, you can have a one-to-one meeting with the doctor of your choice through our Hop Health application. You can contact us for your questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can view frequently asked questions about Ear Diseases and Disorders.

Stapedotomy and balloon dilation are among the complex nasal treatments.

Ear problems are caused by external factors such as genetic factors, infection, fluid accumulation and noise.

Myringotomy tubes, tympanoplasty and mastoidectomy are among the common ear procedures.

Ear diseases are treated with medication or surgery depending on the severity of the condition.

Symptoms such as ringing in the ear, pain, discharge, hearing problems and dizziness are factors that reveal that there is a problem in the ear.