Eye Diseases

Eye diseases commonly occur due to environmental or genetic factors. Diseases of any nature that develop in the eyelids, the eye membrane protecting the eye from external effects, the lacrimal duct, the eye lens or the nerve tissues are classified as eye diseases.

Eye diseases commonly occur due to environmental or genetic factors. Diseases of any nature that develop in the eyelids, the eye membrane protecting the eye from external effects, the lacrimal duct, the eye lens or the nerve tissues are classified as eye diseases.

Eye diseases commonly occur due to environmental or genetic factors. Diseases of any nature that develop in the eyelids, the eye membrane protecting the eye from external effects, the lacrimal duct, the eye lens or the nerve tissues are classified as eye diseases.


Eye Diseases


Eye diseases commonly occur due to environmental or genetic factors. Diseases of any nature that develop in the eyelids, the eye membrane protecting the eye from external effects, the lacrimal duct, the eye lens or the nerve tissues are included in the group of eye diseases. Any problem that may occur in the eyes can cause poor eyesight. In addition, stinging, burning and similar complaints may be experienced in the eye. So, it is easier to notice symptoms of the eye diseases.

Some of the common eye diseases are as follows:


Myopia: It is nearsightedness causing poor vision of near objects.

However, distant objects can be perceived clearly.

Hypermetropia: It is a visual impairment in which distant objects are perceived more clearly but near objects are seen blurry.

Astigmatism: It is a visual impairment in which light cannot be focused properly due to the irregular shape of the cornea or lens. With astigmatism, your vision may be blurry at all distances.

Cataract: It is a condition causing vision loss due to of blurred lens of the eye. It can manifest itself with blurry vision, faded vision or difficulty in night vision. Cataract can develop due to aging, genetic factors, trauma, diabetes or some medications. Symptoms of cataracts include blurry vision, faded vision, sensitivity to light and difficulty in night vision. Surgical intervention is generally an effective method used in treatment of the cataract.

Glaucoma: It is the condition of high intraocular pressure. This can cause vision loss, damaging the optic nerve. It is a progressive disease and symptoms are generally unnoticeable. The glaucoma can also slowly progress. However, the symptoms are usually noticed when peripheral vision is affected. If it is not diagnosed at early stage or left untreated, the glaucoma can cause permanent vision loss.

Treatment options include eye drops, surgical intervention and laser therapy.

Macular Degeneration: Macular degeneration is the deterioration of an area at the back of the eye that is responsible for central vision, called the macula. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common type. Symptoms include blurry central vision, faded vision and curved or wavy vision of straight lines. Even though there is no treatment yet, early diagnosis and regular follow-up are important.

Retinal Diseases: Among retinal diseases (inner layer of the eye), there are macular degeneration or retinal tear/detachment. These diseases may cause vision loss.

Diabetic Retinopathy: It is a retinal disease that develops with progression of diabetes mellitus. Vision loss can occur due to vascular damage. It refers to damage in the retina at the back of the eye due to diabetes mellitus. Prolonged high blood glucose levels can damage the retinal vessels and lead to vision loss. Symptoms of the diabetic retinopathy include blurry vision, faded vision and floaters or spots in visual field. Laser therapy, medication injections and surgery are provided with patients as treatment options.

Conjunctivitis: It develops as a result of inflammation of the conjunctiva, which covers the white part of the eye and its inner surface. The conjunctivitis manifests itself with redness, watering and itching in the eyes.

Uveitis: It is a disease that develops due to inflammation of layers in the eyes. Symptoms such as pain, redness or sensitivity to light can be observed.

Strabismus: It is the abnormal alignment of the eyes. One or both eyes are aligned at different direction.

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