Fox Eyes Turkey

Fox eyes Turkey expertise combined with Hop Health quality! Fox eyes surgery packages prepared by Hop Health are the favorite of their clients. Every year, thousands of people choose Turkey for fox eyes surgery to achieve attractive looks. Affordable costs, technological medical infrastructure and expert surgeons make Turkey a center for fox eyes aesthetics.

What is Fox Eye Surgery?

Fox eyes surgery is an aesthetic operation to make the eyes more attractive and younger. During the surgery, eye wrinkles and sagging are removed. Fox eyes aesthetics provides more attractive and cunning looks by lifting the eyelids upwards. Today, many people have fox eyes surgery for sexier looks. 

What is Fox Eye Surgery?

Fox eyes surgery is an aesthetic operation to make the eyes more attractive and younger. During the surgery, eye wrinkles and sagging are removed. Fox eyes aesthetics provides more attractive and cunning looks by lifting the eyelids upwards. Today, many people have fox eyes surgery for sexier looks. 

Candidates for Fox Eye Surgery

People with good general health and complete body development are generally suitable candidates for fox eye surgery. In line with the tests performed during the preliminary examination, the suitability of the patients for fox eye surgery is decided. However, it is possible to summarize the people who have fox eyes surgery as follows: 

  • Those who want to get rid of excess skin on the eyelid,
  • People with sagging eyelids,
  • Those who want to have more lifted and lively looks,
  • People with asymmetry in eye shape have fox eye surgery. 

How is Fox Eyes Surgery Performed?

In the examination before fox eye surgery, the eye structure is examined and the patient's demands are listened. After the preparation is completed, the patient is given general anesthesia. General anesthesia ensures that the patient is comfortable throughout the operation and provides ease of access to the doctor. Small incisions are made on the outer part of the eye and the tissue is lifted upwards with special surgical threads. After the lifting process is completed, the incisions are closed with aesthetic sutures and the operation is terminated. 

How Long Does Fox Eyes Surgery Take?

Fox eyes takes 1 hour on average. Surgery is not a long procedure. In general, the duration of fox eyes surgery varies between 30 minutes and 2 hours depending on the nature of the surgery, additional procedures and the experience of the surgeon. 


Benefits of Fox Eye Surgery

Fox eyes aesthetics, which makes the eyes look more vibrant and younger, is one of the favorite surgeries among rejuvenation aesthetics. The advantages and benefits of fox eyes surgery are as follows: 

  • The results of fox eye surgery are promising for many years. For this reason, people can be content with having it done once in their lifetime.

  • Fox eyes surgery is performed with personalized techniques. Thus, people achieve fox eye results suitable for their anatomy. 

  • Fox eyes surgery is a minimally invasive operation. Therefore, there are no incisions or scars on the facial features.

  • Low eyelids that sag due to aging and external factors are permanently repaired with fox eye aesthetics. 

Is Fox Eye Surgery Permanent?

Fox eye surgery is a permanent aesthetic. The results of the operation are permanent for 7 to 10 years. The purpose of fox eye aesthetics is to permanently improve the appearance of the gaze. Therefore, the effect of the application gives people a long-lasting use. However, it should not be forgotten that the permanence of fox eye aesthetics also depends on the person's lifestyle.

Is a Fox Eye Lift Safe?

Fox eye aesthetics is among the safe operations if performed by a specialized surgeon. It is necessary to be careful in choosing a surgeon for safe and successful fox eye surgery. However, it is of great importance for people to follow the instructions of the health teams before and after the surgery in terms of body health and the permanence of the fox eye results. 

Is Fox Eye Lift Painful?

Fox eye lift is generally not a painful surgery. General anesthesia numbs the person during the surgery and puts the body to sleep. Thus, there is no pain or pain sensation in the operation. Only a slight discomfort is felt after fox eye surgery. Painkillers are a sufficient supplement for the healing of the pain that may occur. 

Fox Eye Surgery Side Effects

Fox eye surgery carries the risks and complications of every operation. The risk rate of fox eye aesthetics performed by a specialist surgeon is quite low. In general, the risks of fox eye surgery can be listed as follows:

  • Bruising,
  • Bleeding,
  • Swelling
  • Skin discomfort,
  • Allergic reaction,
  • Infection and
  • Asymmetry is among the fox eye risks. 

Fox Eye Care 

Taking the necessary care after fox eye surgery is critical for body health as well as affecting the success of aesthetics. The body should be rested especially in the first week after the operation. Eye care should only be done in accordance with the instructions given by the healthcare team. The skin should be protected from the sun and should not go out without using sunscreen. Chemical products should not come into contact with the skin until complete healing occurs around the eye area. 

Before and After Fox Eyes Surgery

Patients usually go through similar processes before and after Fox eyes surgery. During the preliminary examination, the patient's body health is checked for surgery with blood tests and physical examination. In the preoperative examination, the expectations from fox eyes aesthetics should be fully conveyed to the surgeon. 


The medical history should be completely conveyed to the surgeon. Information about medications, supplements and known diseases should be given. Smoking and alcohol use should be stopped at least 3 weeks before the operation.


Since fox eye surgery is performed under general anesthesia, no food should be eaten before the operation. Health teams provide detailed information about water consumption and meals. 


After fox eyes surgery, you should rest in the hospital for 1 night to ensure controls. It is recommended to take leave from work for 1 week after surgery for a healthy and comfortable recovery period. 


Fox eyes recovery period takes an average of 2 weeks. During this period, care should be taken to consume plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet. Surgical care should only be done in accordance with the instructions of the specialists. 


Best Fox Eyes Surgeon in Turkey

Among the points to be considered when choosing a fox eye doctor are the surgeon's experience, the results of his surgery, his communication with patients, the clinics and hospitals he works in. These factors are indicators of the qualifications of the doctor who provides permanent and safe fox eye surgery. First of all, examining the surgeons' previous aesthetics and patient communications will give detailed information about the specialist. Turkey has internationally recognized names in fox eye surgeon. 

Is Fox Eyes Treatment Safe in Turkey? 

Turkey is considered one of the safe regions for fox eyes treatment. This is because surgeons in Turkey undergo many years of theoretical and practical training before performing the aesthetics. In addition, clinics and hospitals that provide fox eyes services are frequently inspected by the Ministry of Health to ensure the safest environment for patients. 

Fox Eyes Surgery Cost

Fox eyes costs range from 4.000 dollars to 15.000 dollars. In general, fox eye surgery costs vary according to the country where the operation is performed, the experience of the specialist, the nature of the surgery and service packages. Turkey is known for providing quality service at affordable fox eye surgery costs. 

Turkey: $1.200-$4.500

United Kingdom: £4.000 - £12.000

USA: $8.000 - $20.000 

Cost of Fox Eyes Turkey

The cost of fox eyes in Turkey varies between 1.500 dollars and 4.000 dollars. Basically, the expert's experience and fox eyes packages determine the costs. You can contact us for information about fox eyes costs in Turkey.

All Inclusive Fox Eyes Surgery Package 

All-inclusive fox eyes surgery packages include services that meet all the needs of the operation. All-inclusive fox eyes surgery packages prepared by Hop Health cover the main services such as accommodation, transportation, surgery processes, VIP transfer, and are customized with personalized additional services. You can contact us to get information about all-inclusive fox eyes surgery packages in Turkey. 

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List of doctors under the HOP of the corporation

  • Dr. Hasan Büyükdoğan Clinic
  • Turkey, İstanbul
  • Kolan Hospital Group
  • Turkey, İstanbul
  • Dr. Ahmet Hamdi Aytekin Muayenehanesi
  • Turkey, İstanbul

Op. Dr. Hasan ÇELİK

Plastic Surgery

  • Dr. Hasan Çelik Muaynehanesi
  • Turkey, İstanbul

Daily Usefull Information

You can read our blog posts to get more information about the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can view frequently asked questions about Fox Eyes Turkey.

Fox eye aesthetics is not a painful operation. Anesthesia during the application prevents possible pain.

The results of fox eye surgery last for an average of 5 years. Maintaining a healthy life can prolong the results of fox eye aesthetics up to 7 years.

The risks of fox eye surgery include bleeding, infection, asymmetry and bruising.

The cost of fox eyes is around 4000 dollars.

Fox eye costs in the UK are in the range of £4.000 - £12.000.

General anesthesia is used in the fox eyes procedure. Thanks to general anesthesia, patients stay asleep during the surgery and do not feel pain.

Since fox eyes treatment is a minimally invasive operation, it does not leave any visible scars on the skin.

It is possible to return to daily life after 1 week after the fox eye procedure.