Hop Health Receives $1 Million Investment and Targets $18 Million Turnover

  • 31 Jul 2024


Hop Health, which has taken its place in the sector as the first digital platform of health tourism in the world, announced that it has received an investment of 1 million dollars from business people, including valuable names such as Selçuk Esenyel and angel investors, in the round led by MADA VC, managed by Mehmet Ali Yalçındağ. With this investment, the company aims to strengthen in the Turkish market and grow globally by investing in both marketing and technological infrastructure. Dr. Eren Ünal, Founder and CEO of Hop Health, said that while trying to raise awareness of patients about the opportunities offered by the platform, they also want to reach more users abroad. "The investment we have received will serve us in many ways, from the development of our platform to our marketing strategy. We will use this investment to promote the quality of our service both locally and globally and to bring our platform to more patients. For the upcoming period, we are preparing for a new investment round and we aim to receive an investment of 5 million dollars in this process." Hop Health, which focuses on health tourism, tries to solve the disadvantages of unregistered and untraceability on its digital platform; It aims to maximize the share of health tourism on its digital platform by recommending every point that can touch the user, from accommodation to food and beverage to shopping.

We have a turnover target of 18 million dollars at the end of the year

Dr. Eren Ünal said that they want to support the country's economy by bringing high quality patients from abroad with an understanding that combines health and tourism in Turkey, and that their ultimate goal is to make the Turkish health sector the locomotive of the country's economy. Stating that health tourism develops a wide ecosystem far beyond treatment services, Dr. Eren Ünal said, "Only 40 percent of the money spent by a patient coming to our country is related to health. The remaining 60 percent is spent by patients on shopping, clothing, food and tourist trips. For this reason, health tourism is a value that covers and feeds many sectors and grows the cake. As Hop Health, we are trying to be a structure that grows the pie rather than being one of the actors taking a share from the pie. We have a turnover target of 18 million dollars at the end of 2024 and 100 million dollars in 2025. 

About Hop Health

Hop Health, which was established to increase Turkey's economic growth and international competitiveness in the field of health tourism by enabling users to access health services safely, is increasing its impact in the sector day by day by offering a wide range of services to both individual users and business partners. Hop Health considers all stakeholders, from individual actors who can reach users to health tourism companies, hotels and airlines, as Hop Health partners and offers its partners the opportunity to participate in health tourism and expand their networks through collaborations on the Hop platform in B2B.

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