Laser Eye Treatment

Laser treatment is a surgical method practiced to correct eye problems. This treatment helps to resolve visual disorders such as myopia (blurry distant vision), hypermetropia (blurry near vision), astigmatism and age-related farsightedness. The laser therapy is a treatment option recommended to patients as a result of examination and evaluation of an ophthalmologist.

Laser Eye Treatment

  1. What Is Laser Eye Treatment?
  2. For Which Diseases Is Laser Eye Treatment Performed?
  3. What Are the Types of Laser Eye Treatment?

Laser Eye Treatment

  1. What Is Laser Eye Treatment?
  2. For Which Diseases Is Laser Eye Treatment Performed?
  3. What Are the Types of Laser Eye Treatment?


What Is Laser Eye Treatment?


Laser treatment is a surgical method practiced to correct eye problems. This treatment helps to resolve visual disorders such as myopia (blurry distant vision), hypermetropia (blurry near vision), astigmatism and age-related farsightedness. The laser therapy is a treatment option recommended to patients as a result of examination and evaluation of an ophthalmologist.

The therapy is planned based on corneal thickness, shape and other eye parameters.

Laser is a powerful light used for different purposes in daily life. In laser eye surgery, the eye is fixed at a certain direction. The laser beam is then focused on a particular point of the cornea and changes the optic characteristics of the eye. Reshaping the transparent layer of the cornea, the laser therapy corrects visual problems. After the procedure, the patients can usually return to their normal lives within a few hours. Complete recovery can take a couple of days or weeks.

Some side effects may be experienced following the laser therapy. These can include temporary blurry vision, sensitivity and dry eye. These side effects are generally short-term effects and disappear in a few days. However, they rarely may last a long time. The laser treatment is a safe and effective method. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. For instance, laser treatment may not be recommended for pregnant women or people with certain medical conditions. The most appropriate treatment method should be decided by an ophthalmologist.

The laser treatment is also an effective technique in correction of visual problems. However, consulting an ophthalmologist and having a medical examination is important before making a decision on the treatment. The ophthalmologist will determine the most proper treatment option based on the patient’s particular condition.


For Which Diseases Is Laser Eye Treatment Performed?


  • Myopia (Blurry Distant Vision): The myopia is a visual disorder causing blurry vision of the distant objects. The laser treatment is an effective method to correct the myopia.
  • Hypermetropia (Blurry Near Vision): The hypermetropia is a visual disorder causing blurry vision of the near objects. The laser treatment can be performed for correction of the hypermetropia.
  • Astigmatism: Astigmatism is a visual disorder and causes the eyes not to focus properly. The laser treatment can be helpful to correct the astigmatism.
  • Presbyopia (Age-Related Farsightedness): The presbyopia is a condition causing blurry vision of the near objects and develops due to aging. The laser treatment can be performed in some cases for correction of the presbyopia.
  • Corneal Diseases: Some corneal diseases, such as keratoconus, can be managed or corrected thanks to the laser treatment.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy: The diabetic retinopathy refers to retinal damages that occur due to diabetes mellitus. The laser treatment can be conducted to control abnormal vascular enlargement in the retina and protect the eye health.
  • Retinal Tear and Detachment: Retinal tear of detachment is an emergency situation and can cause severe visual loss. The laser treatment can play a vital role in taking the tear or detachment under control or restoring the retinal tissue.
  • Glaucoma: The glaucoma is an eye disease in which intraocular pressure is high, and it may damage the optic nerves over time. The laser treatment can be performed to reduce intraocular pressure and slow down the progression of the glaucoma.
  • Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR): The central serous retinopathy is a condition characterized by fluid accumulation in macular region. Targeting the fluid accumulation, the laser treatment can help to reduce the damage on the macular region.
  • Eye Tumors: Some eye tumors, particularly retinoblastoma, can be treated or controlled with the laser treatment.


  1. What Are the Types of Laser Eye Treatment?


  • LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis): The LASIK is a laser treatment method practiced to correct refractive visual disorders such as myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. In this method, epithelium, the upper layer of cornea, is elevated and laser beam is applied onto underlying tissue. As a result, the cornea is reshaped.
  • PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy): The PRK is another laser treatment method performed for treatment of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. In this method, upper layer of the cornea is completely removed and laser beam is applied onto underlying tissues. Next, a contact lens is placed onto the cornea and recovery process begins.
  • LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis): The LASEK is a laser treatment that is a combination of the LASIK and PRK. In this method, epithelium, the upper layer of the cornea, is loosened with a solution and then detached. Next, laser beam is applied onto underlying tissues and the epithelium is then returned to its original position.
  • INTACS: The INTACS is a laser treatment method performed to treatment corneal disorders such as keratoconus. In this method, ring-shaped implants are placed in the cornea and the corneal shape is corrected, resulting in better visual quality.
  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT): The photodynamic therapy is a laser treatment method practiced for treatment of some retinal diseases. In this technique, a special medication targeting the vessels is administered. Next, the laser beam is applied and the medication is activated.
  • YAG Capsulotomy: YAG capsulotomy is a laser treatment method used for the treatment of cloudiness after cataract surgery. In this technique, the cloudiness formed in the lens capsule is opened with laser light to make the vision clear.
  • Retinal Photocoagulation: The retinal photocoagulation is a laser treatment method performed to treat abnormal venous enlargement in the retina. In this method, abnormal vessels are closed or removed using the laser beam.
  • Laser Treatment for Lacrimal Duct: Some problems can occur in lacrimal drainage system due to obstruction of the lacrimal duct. Laser treatment is applied to clear these obstructions in the lacrimal duct. Applying laser beam on the obstruction zone, proper function of the lacrimal drainage is ensured.
  • Laser Treatment for Red Eye Syndrome: The red eye syndrome can arise as a result of dilatation or inflammation of blood vessels in the eyes. Targeting these dilated or inflamed vessels, the laser treatment reduces or closes these vessels.
  • Ablation of Eye Tumors with Laser Treatment: Some eye tumors, particularly the smaller ones, can be treated with laser ablation method. The laser beam targets and damages the tumor tissue, which stops the progression of the tumor or disappears it.
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