Medical Aesthetic

Medical aesthetics refers to a medical field that improves aesthetic appearance using non-surgical cosmetic procedures. These procedures usually cover areas such as skin care, reduction of signs of aging, skin resurfacing and body contouring. Medical aesthetics aims to improve the appearance of people with minimally invasive methods without the need for surgical intervention.

Medical Aesthetic


  1. What Is Medical Aesthetic?
  2. What Are Medical Aesthetic Practices and Methods?
  3. What Are The Advantages of Medical Aesthetic?

Medical Aesthetic


  1. What Is Medical Aesthetic?
  2. What Are Medical Aesthetic Practices and Methods?
  3. What Are The Advantages of Medical Aesthetic?


What Is Medical Aesthetics?

Medical aesthetic refers to procedures performed by physicians, following physical examination, to make skin, body and face look more aesthetic and natural from an artistic point of view. These kinds of practices are of curative and restorative nature rather than satisfying the aesthetic concerns of the individuals. The medical aesthetic practices performed to gain more healthy and natural appearance make a difference since no surgical intervention or use of general anesthesia is needed.

The medical aesthetic aims to correct signs of physical wear that develop because of factors such as environmental factors, seasonal conditions, genetic traits, aging, stress, unhealthy lifestyle and nutritional habits and smoking. These kinds of medical practices meet the expectation in the best manner and enable to satisfy the individuals’ needs with different methods.


What Are Medical Aesthetic Practices and Methods?

  • Nonsurgical face lifting
  • Filling procedures
  • Botox treatment
  • Mesotherapy
  • Laser applications
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Dermabrasion and chemical peeling
  • Dermapen applications
  • Skin care
  • Cellulitis treatment
  • Sclerotherapy (varicose vein treatment)
  • Spot reduction


What Are The Advantages of Medical Aesthetic?

The advanced technological devices used in the field of medical aesthetic are effective in overcoming the aesthetic concerns. Some of the advantages of the medical aesthetic are as follows:

  • No need of surgical intervention
  • Rapid recovery time
  • Pain-free
  • Natural and rapid outcomes
  • No need of general anesthesia
  • Opportunity to return daily social life on the same day
  • Meeting aesthetic expectations in the best manner
  • Quite low infection risk
  • Psychological and social benefits
  • Minimum complication and risk factors
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List of doctors under the HOP of the corporation

  • Dr. Mustafa Kemal Ataönder Muayenehanesi
  • Turkey, İstanbul

Dr. Biran EKİCİ

Medical Aesthetic

  • Dr. Biran Ekici Medikal Estetik Klinik
  • Turkey, İstanbul

Dr. Nüket EROĞLU

Medical Aesthetic

  • Dr. Nüket Eroğlu Klinik
  • Turkey, İstanbul

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