Jaw Joint Surgery
Jaw joint surgery is a surgical intervention designed to address temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues. The temporomandibular joint is the joint system located at the junction of the jawbone and the skull, controlling jaw movement. Jaw joint surgery aims to correct pain, restricted movement, and other problems related to this joint.
Jaw Joint Surgery
Jaw joint surgery is a surgical intervention designed to address temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues. The temporomandibular joint is the joint system located at the junction of the jawbone and the skull, controlling jaw movement. Jaw joint surgery aims to correct pain, restricted movement, and other problems related to this joint.
What is Jaw Joint Surgery?
Jaw joint surgery is a surgical procedure performed to address various temporomandibular joint issues that arise due to different reasons. These issues may include dislocation of the joint disc, disorders in the jawbones, damage resulting from trauma, and other anatomical problems.
Disc Problems: Surgical intervention may be required if there is displacement or damage to the jaw joint disc.
Bone Disorders: Deformities or disorders in the bones surrounding the jaw joint can be corrected through surgery.
Anatomical Issues: Congenital or acquired anatomical problems can be addressed through jaw joint surgery.
Cysts or Tumors: The presence of cysts or tumors in the jaw joint area may necessitate surgical intervention.
Traumatic Injuries: Damage resulting from traumatic injuries to the jaw area can be corrected through surgical means.
Surgical Procedures:
Disc Repositioning (Diskectomy): A surgical procedure aimed at repositioning the jaw joint disc.
Joint Reconstruction: Correction or reconstruction of the bones or soft tissues around the jaw joint.
Arthroscopic Surgery: A minimally invasive method used to examine and correct the joint interior.
Capsular Plasticity: Surgical intervention aiming to correct the jaw joint capsule.
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