Male Rhinoplasty Turkey

  • 20 Feb 2024

Male Rhinoplasty Turkey


Rhinoplasty for men is one of the most preferred aesthetics in Turkey. Thanks to the customized male rhinoplasty packages, international patients prefer Turkey. Men who have their aesthetics done in the hands of specialist doctors in quality clinics gain comfort in the whole process.


Male Rhinoplasty Process in Turkey


Operation Time 3 Hours 
Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Hospital Stay 1 Day
Male Rhinoplasty Turkey 5 Days 
Cost of Male Rhinoplasty Contact Your Doctor


What is Male Rhinoplasty? 

Male rhinoplasty is a customized surgery. Cosmetic male rhinoplasty improves breathing problems and makes the structure look aesthetically flawless. Mostly rhinoplasty for men involves shaping the bridge of the nose and narrowing the nostrils.

Nose Aesthetics Design for Men

Nose design for men usually involves achieving a sharper and more natural appearance. First of all, when planning rhinoplasty surgery for men, respiratory function is evaluated and then aesthetic demands are listened. The nose for men is designed in accordance with the type of nose requested by the people and the technique of the surgery is determined.

How is Male Nose Aesthetics Performed?

Rhinoplasty in men is performed under general anesthesia with open or closed technique. The nose is reshaped through incision. The cartilage and bone structure of the nose is re-processed according to the need. The functionally and aesthetically repaired nose is finalized with aesthetic suturing methods. On average, male rhinoplasty surgery takes about 3 hours.

Is Rhinoplasty Procedure Different for Men? 


Rhinoplasty basically does not involve different procedures for men. Each nose surgery is designed individually. However, the only factor that distinguishes male rhinoplasty from female rhinoplasty is the differences in facial anatomy. Generally, the male nose has thicker skin and shape than the female nose. Therefore, male rhinoplasty may include more extensive procedures.

What is the Ideal Age for Male Rhinoplasty?

The ideal age for male rhinoplasty is usually 22 years and above. In this process, the bone structure of the nose is fully established. However, in case of medical conditions, there is no harm for men over the age of 18 to have a nose surgery.


Is Rhinoplasty Worth it Male?

Men have surgery to make their nasal structures more aesthetic and to radically improve respiratory problems. Being over 18 years old and healthy is the first condition for aesthetics. Men who want to improve the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, facilitate breathing and improve nasal asymmetry prefer nose surgery.

Recovery After Rhinoplasty in Men

Rhinoplasty surgery for men has a similar healing process with other operations. First of all, it takes up to 1 year for the nose to fully fit the body. For this reason, personal care should be given importance especially for the first 6 months after male nose surgery. It is necessary to be protected from all traumas that may come towards the face.


Male Rhinoplasty After 1 - 2 Weeks

During the first week of male rhinoplasty, bandages and a tampon are placed on the nose. A splint and tampon are placed in the nose to prevent bleeding, prevent swelling of the nose and help healing. Under the control of the surgeon, the bandage and tampon are removed inside the nose.

It is normal to observe side effects such as pain and bruising in the first 2 weeks after rhinoplasty in men. Medications prescribed for pain can be used; bruising and swelling are improved with cold compresses.

Male Rhinoplasty Before and After

  • Expectations are listened to before male rhinoplasty. Men's suitability for surgery is checked with medical tests. Depending on the nose line, one of the types of male rhinoplasty is decided or several procedures can be applied in combination at the same time.

  • General anesthesia is used in male nose surgery. Therefore, patients should come to the procedure with an empty stomach. Smoking and alcohol use should be stopped 2 to 3 weeks before the operation to avoid complications with anesthesia.

  • At the end of the surgery, patients rest in the hospital for one night. In this process, controls are provided after male rhinoplasty. People who do not have any discomfort are discharged from the hospital.

  • After male rhinoplasty, it is recommended to pay attention to a healthy diet and to apply personalized diet programs. A healthy body accelerates the healing of nose surgery scars.

  • At the end of the surgery, patients rest in the hospital for one night. In this process, controls are provided after male rhinoplasty. People who do not have any discomfort are discharged from the hospital.

Male Rhinoplasty Results


Rhinoplasty in men pleases people with its permanent results. Male rhinoplasty for lifelong use is the best treatment for anyone who wants permanent solutions. Male rhinoplasty, which solves the functional problems of the nose, also transforms the appearance into the structure that people desire.


Best Male Rhinoplasty Surgeon Turkey


There are many surgeons who are qualified as the best male rhinoplasty doctor in Turkey. Therefore, it is not correct to call a single person the best. The best surgeon for everyone may vary. When choosing the best male rhinoplasty doctor in Turkey for yourself; the surgeon's education life, the clinic where he works, the cost of his surgery and the communication he establishes should be taken into consideration.


Cost of Male Rhinoplasty in Turkey


Male rhinoplasty prices in Turkey are around 3500 dollars. Male rhinoplasty prices are determined according to the service package, the scope of the package, the surgeon's expertise and the nature of the surgery. Please contact us for detailed male rhinoplasty prices.


Hop Health offers expertise to people by continuing its agreements with doctors who perform rhinoplasty for men. You can contact us to get details about male rhinoplasty packages; You can get information about the operation on our Rhinoplasty Surgery in Turkey page.


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