Deviated Septum Surgery in Turkey

Nasal septum deviation is a surgery that aims to treat both medical and aesthetic deformations at the same time. Aesthetic touches are also made in nasal septum deviation surgery, which is applied to eliminate respiratory problems. In Turkey deviated septum is treated with personalized treatment methods. HOP Health offers its clients professionalism and quality in deviated septum surgery in Turkey.

What is a Deviated Septum Surgery?

Nasal septum deviation surgery is a surgical procedure that improves the nose functionally and aesthetically. Deviated septum is a condition in which the structure called septum, which divides the nostrils into two, is tilted to the right or left side. Deviated nasal septum is a common condition and does not cause discomfort as long as the symptoms are not noticed. If there are mild deviations, drug treatment is applied by the specialist. However, surgery is required for advanced septum deviation.

Overview of Deviated Septum Surgery in Turkey


Operation Time: 1 hours 

Anesthesia: General Anesthesia

Hospital Stay: 1 Night

Permission to Work: 1 Week

Deviated Septum Surgery  Process in Turkey: 5 Days 

Cost of Deviated Septum Surgery : Contact Your Doctor

What is a Deviated Septum Surgery?

Nasal septum deviation surgery is a surgical procedure that improves the nose functionally and aesthetically. Deviated septum is a condition in which the structure called septum, which divides the nostrils into two, is tilted to the right or left side. Deviated nasal septum is a common condition and does not cause discomfort as long as the symptoms are not noticed. If there are mild deviations, drug treatment is applied by the specialist. However, surgery is required for advanced septum deviation.

Who is a Candidate for Deviated Septum Surgery?

Anyone with severe symptoms of deviated septum is a suitable candidate for surgery. Suitable candidates for deviated septum include people with respiratory problems, recurrent sinusitis, sleep apnea and chronic nasal congestion.


Deviated Septum Symptoms

Symptoms of a deviated septum vary depending on the person and the degree of the condition.  The degree of curvature of the nasal septum also affects the symptoms of the disease. If there is no severe deviation, a deviated septum does not always manifest itself as obvious symptoms. However, if there is a severe curvature of the nasal septum, the symptoms will be noticeable. Common symptoms of a deviated septum in humans are as follows:

  • Pain in the face,
  • Difficulty with breathing functions,
  • Nasal congestion
  • Recurrent headaches,
  • Chronic nosebleeds,
  • Snoring 
  • Chronic sinusitis, 
  • Don't have problems with smell,
  • Sleep apnea and 
  • Runny nose is among the symptoms of deviated septum deviation.

When is Deviated Septum Surgery Necessary?

Surgery for a deviated septum is necessary when symptoms become severe. If the deviated septum does not affect your life, it is not very important, but if it causes breathing problems and chronic conditions such as sleep apnea, surgery is a must. When a person suffers from recurrent sinusitis, snoring, sleep apnea and breathing difficulties, it is recommended to see a specialist as soon as possible.

What Causes a Deviated Septum

There are several factors that can cause a deviated septum. First of all, the main cause of a deviated septum may be genetic.  In the developmental age, deviated septum may occur over time. Apart from genetic structure, deviated septum also occurs due to injury.

You can also find out if you have a deviated septum by yourself, apart from a doctor's examination. You can recognize a severe deviated septum by looking at the base of the nose and checking the ratio of your nostrils. If your nostrils are not in equal proportion, you are likely to have a deviated septum. In this case, you should see a specialist doctor as soon as possible for the diagnosis and treatment of deviated septum.


How is Deviated Septum Treated?

Deviated septum surgery is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. The specialist physician, who evaluates the symptoms of deviation, decides on the nature of the treatment during the preliminary examination. Accordingly, incisions are made in the relevant areas. If there is deformation in the nasal structure other than the septum, improvement is made. After aesthetic and functional improvements, the surgery is finalized by applying aesthetic sutures. On average, deviated septum surgery takes 1 hour and the duration varies depending on the nature of the procedure.

Deviated Septum Surgery Recovery

Although the recovery process of deviated septum surgery varies according to the health status of the person, the postoperative steps are as follows:

  • Mild pain and swelling may be felt after nasal septum deviation surgery. Possible pain is prevented with medications and applications recommended by the surgeon. Cold compresses help reduce swelling.

  • It is important to rest the body for a few days after surgery to contribute to the healing process.

  • The side effects of deviated septum surgery are the same as other surgeries. It is usual to see mild edema in the first week after surgery.

  • Heavy activities should be avoided until the body health is fully recovered; sports that can hit the nose should be avoided.

What to Expect After Deviated Septum Surgery


  • Since general anesthesia is applied in nasal septum deviation surgery, the patient is hospitalized for 1 day after the procedure. Routine controls are performed after surgery. 

  • Patients should rest for a few days after deviated septum surgery. During this period, they should avoid heavy activities. Keeping the head elevated while sleeping is necessary to prevent any damage to the nose.

  • It is recommended to take leave from work for 1 week. After the deviated septum surgery, a few days are required for the possible side effects to heal.

  • Generally, the full recovery process of septum deviation surgery takes up to 3 weeks. Patients who can return to their daily life 1 week after the surgery are completely free from side effects after 3 weeks.

  • Until the effect of the surgery is completely over, movements such as blowing the nose should be avoided.

  • Your respiratory complaints will disappear quickly after nasal septum deviation surgery. However, it takes up to 1 year for the nose structure to fully settle. After 6 months, a visible structure is formed.

The Benefits of Choosing Deviated Septum Turkey

Every year thousands of patients prefer Turkey for deviated septum treatment. Affordable costs and experienced medical staff are the biggest factors of this preference. The advantages that Turkey provides to its patients in nasal septum deviation surgeries are as follows:

  • Turkey has qualified doctors for nasal septum deviation surgeries. Skilled medical teams provide permanent aesthetic results by always considering the safety of the clients.

  • Professionally performed nasal septum surgery provides permanent results to the person, and specialist doctors perform surgeries at affordable costs. Quality health services are attractive for everyone. 

  • Turkey is known for having a modern medical infrastructure. Therefore, all the technology required for nasal septum deviation surgery is available in clinics and hospitals.

  • For international clients, nasal septum surgery packages in Turkey are both affordable and comprehensive. Clients' transportation, accommodation and surgery needs are customized in a single package.

Deviated Septum Surgery Cost

Septum deviation surgery prices have an average cost of around 4.000 dollars worldwide. The most important factor determining the prices of nasal septum deviation is the country where the operation is performed. Geographical location directly determines the cost of surgery as well as the cost of living in the region.  It is known that one of the most affordable septum deviation surgery prices in the international arena is in Turkey.


UK: $4.500 - $6.000

USA: $3.000 - $5.250

Europe: $2.500 - $3.500

Turkey: $1.500 - $2.500 


Deviated Septum Surgery Cost Turkey

Septum deviation surgery prices in Turkey vary between 1.500 and 2.500 dollars. It should be noted that these figures are the prices of service packages prepared for clients. Septum deviation surgery costs vary according to the services, the nature of the surgery and the doctor. For detailed septum deviation prices, please contact your doctor via our application.


Deviated Septum Surgery Turkey with Hop Health 


If you want to have your deviated septum surgery professionally and only care about your comfort during the process; here is Hop Health quality for you! Hop Health offers quality to its clients who want to have nasal septum deviation surgery. It creates all services for its clients with its specialist doctors, hygienic clinics, comfortable transportation and accommodation services. Download our Hop Health application now to have septum deviation surgery and to meet directly with your specialist doctor at no additional cost!


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List of doctors under the HOP of the corporation

Prof. Dr. Berna USLU COŞKUN


  • Prof. Dr. Berna Uslu Coşkun Muayenehanesi
  • Turkey, İstanbul

Op. Dr. Metin YILDIRIM


  • Dr. Metin Yıldırım Clinic
  • Turkey, İstanbul
  • Doç. Dr. Adem BINNETOGLU Clinic
  • Turkey, İstanbul
  • Private Batman Yaşam Hospital
  • Turkey, Batman

Prof. Dr. Mustafa AKARÇAY


  • Memorial Hospital
  • Turkey, İstanbul

Op. Dr. Eray Bayındır


  • Op. Dr. Eray Bayındır Clinic
  • Turkey, Antalya



  • Op. Dr. Oray Karaçaylı Muayenehanesi
  • Turkey, İstanbul

Op. Dr. Hüseyin VURAL


  • Kolan Hospital Group
  • Turkey, İstanbul

Op. Dr. Mehmet Sinan ODUNCU


  • Kolan Hospital Group
  • Turkey, İstanbul

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can view frequently asked questions about Deviated Septum Surgery in Turkey.

Common complications of deviated nasal septum include sleep apnea, snoring, difficulty breathing and nasal obstruction.

Yes, a deviated septum can cause sleep apnea. The curvature of the nostrils blocks the airway and causes sleep apnea.